California Arts Education Data Project Talking Points
The California Arts Education Data Project is a new tool designed to help increase participation in arts
The California Arts Education Data Project is a new tool designed to help increase participation in arts
This information can help school leaders, parents and advocates determine the status of arts
education access in their schools and identify and address what inequities exist.
By having a complete picture of where our secondary schools currently stand, leaders will be
able to take steps to close gaps in access to a core arts education curriculum in their districts.
Presented in a user-friendly, color-coded dashboard, the Project provides important information to education leaders, teachers and parents about levels of access to and enrollment in arts programming in schools.
The dashboard allows users to review school-level, district, county and statewide data and
presents the statewide averages as the baseline for comparison.
It reports data from 2013–2014 and 2014–2015 from 3,719 schools, covering more than three
million students in grades 6 through 12, which is roughly half of California’s student population.
The source of data comes directly from information schools submitted through the California
Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System (CALPADS) - California’s K–12 longitudinal data
As California elementary schools are not required to report subject-level data, information on
arts education in grades pre-k through 5 is not currently included.
The Data Project also features A Roadmap for School Districts that guides leaders through the process of examining their data to better understand their unique circumstances and challenges.
The Roadmap contains resources and helpful guides to assist districts in assessing their own
programs and creating strategic arts plans.
The Data Project also provides a communication toolkit that includes materials to share these
new resources with local stakeholders.
Quality arts education sparks creative thinking and sets up students for success in college, career and life.