Friday, September 9, 2016

Using Technology tools in the Visual and Performing Arts Classroom - Practical Examples

Efficiency in the arts classroom is so critical - especially when programs are really large. So effective communication is vital to success and organization.  Many arts educators have become very efficient incorporating technology into their instructional practices.  SHARE YOUR IDEAS for technology tools that have worked for you!

For example, Victor De Los Santos has found multiple uses for Google Forms.  He says he finds it easy to collect really important information very quickly.   When he needs to survey a large number of students quickly, he can use a class set of iPads or chrome books and pass them around class. Sixty students can fill out a document in 10 to 15 minutes without disruption to instruction.  Not only does this provide the necessary information, it also improves the legibility and accuracy of it.

And, the feedback is instant.  The information can be translated into a spreadsheet and pie charts - data presented in visual graphics. It's readily accessible and you can easily keep track of responses.

Victor said he's used this information to schedule field trips from other schools to big events, like the summer musical, "Bye, Bye Birdie." He gets information for things like uniforms, event participation and enrollment for the next school year.  He can use this for testing with something as simple as multiple choice, pre- and post-assessments and students have recorded their final performance for evaluation in this forum. 
Victor is working on a new Form
It's really easy to create a form

 What are some other ideas you've incorporated?  Please share!

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